
there you go MANIFESTO

Just so you know, me and Riccardo chose a name for our company, and the name is THERE YOU GO.
This is our Manifesto... (yes I know it's only July, but  September 1st sounds much more appropriate for becoming a memorable date, doesn't it?)

Italy, September 1st 2011

We’re about to witness the death of Television as we know it.
We’re not going to miss it.
We’ve had enough.
We don’t like the passive attitude of watching tv the way we were raised to.
We want a real choice.
We want to give others a choice.
We accept the idea of commercials, but we don’t accept the idea of interruption.
We don’t like the idea of control.
This is no time for art2, no art for itself.
Art needs people.
We want to be where the people are.
Wherever. Whenever. Whatever.
The future is just over there.
There is almost here.
We want to be there when it happens.
We want to be there with you.


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