
your words, my pleasure

A couple of comments about episode 1 that made me very happy:

It was very funny. I love the crazy doctor on your ws, he looks sick and is good :)
So he knows everything about them, and it feels very creepy for all of them.
It was a very good episode. Of course, it’s not going to win any Oscars for special effects, but the writing was excellent and the message was amazing ahahhaha
Also! There were some really cool phrases and whatnot that you’ll probably hear me mention in later posts.Ajax
Portland (Maine)

It's interesting how you managed to manipulate someone else to do your dirty work Doctor Rea.Effortlessly blending wised-up, self-reflexive humor with old-fashioned let's-put-on-a-show pizzazz

The real surprise, however, is the sly self-referential tone that never takes itself too seriously, leaving the viewer capable of laughing at the lovely ludicrousness of it all.funny dok.Pit

and some Italian ones too:

Pensavo fosse la soloilta cagata all'italiana invece bello,bello,bello...belle donne e uno strepitoso pazzo maniaco dottore,ma dove lo avete trovate ? Grande.forte mi sono divertito.le scene di sesso top of the top Benfatto.ma di dove siete? By Perro man

Le grandi aspettative e le tante chiacchiere fanno sempre male. Creano disordine percettivo, deviano il centro d'attenzione e si finisce spesso per dubitare anche del proprio giudizio. Davanti a Stuck un grande e lungo applauso.Bravi tutti.Bravo il regista,bravo l'attore che interpreta david.Condivido,questo prodotto è troppo per la mediocre televisione italiana

sante parole : questa serie è talmente ben costruita che merita di essere su youtube! la "nostra cara" tv non è pronta per tutto questo. complimenti!!!!!!

voglio essere come David REA

thanks everyone, we're working hard to be online soon.

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