
LUISS conference

Today we've been guests at LUISS University to present a preview of the upcoming EPISODE 0.

Riccardo Sardonè, Ivana Lotito and me have been invited by professors Emiliana De Blasio and Michele Sorice to talk about our project in front of 110 wonderful students.

We talked about our mission, our desire for freedom and our technique... but when it was almost time to go we thought: "oh com'on! This won't happen again soon... having 110 human beings in a room for you..." 

So I asked prof. Michele Sorice to hold a lastolite...

 and shot a powerful improvised scene with a hundred people adoring David Rea...

yes... that was definitely great!

thank you all for partecipating!

thank you CMCS for inviting us!

we'll be back for the first episode!

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